Uroterocele In Duplicated System With Impacted Stone
History: 54 yo female with intermittent right sided flank pain.
Solution: The patient has an obvious duplicated right sided collecting system. She also has a relatively obvious ectopic insertion of the superior pole collecting system with an associated ureterocele. In addition, there is a filling defect in the ureterocele that is seen as a large calcification on the scout image. This was an impacted stone.
Radiograph Images
Complications of this pathology include all of the following EXCEPT:
Vesicoureteral reflux
Ectopic ureterocele
UPJ obstruction
Bladder outlet obstruction
Renal scarring
The findings in this patient follow the "Weigert-Meyer" rule.
Please provide the diagnosis that most likely explains the patients symptoms.
Although the patient does have a duplicated system and associated ureterocele. The issue that is likely giving her pain is the stone that is within the ureterocele, which is likely causing intermittent obstruction.