Neuroimaging Lab Undergraduate Researcher Wins American Heart Association Fellowship

Posted on May 2010

Jed Voss, undergraduate student in the Neuroimaging Research Lab, has won an American Heart Association Mid West Affiliate Spring 2010 Undergraduate Student Research Fellowship for his project titled “Measuring Brain-Computer Interface rehabilitation efficacy in Stroke patients utilizing fMRI.” The award dates are for 6/01/2010 to 8/31/2010 for a total amount of $4000.

Jed is a UW-Madison undergraduate sophomore who started doing fMRI research in the Neuroimaging Research Lab as part of the Biology 152 class starting in the fall semester this year, and continued research in the lab during the spring semester. He will be part of the Coulter stroke rehabilitation research team and will be mentored on the current project by Drs. Vivek Prabhakaran and Veena Nair from Radiology and Dr. Justin Williams from Biomedical Engineering.