Gifts to the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (UWSMPH) Department of Radiology are accepted by the University of Wisconsin Foundation, the official fundraising and gift-receiving organization for the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Your generosity supports UWSMPH Radiology’s mission to advance human health through research and innovation in imaging and image-guided therapies, to provide outstanding clinical care and imaging services to residents throughout Wisconsin, to educate medical students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and technicians in accordance with the highest professional standards, and to promote life-long learning opportunities for radiology professionals.
Your donations sustain UWSMPH Radiology’s leadership in the areas of health-related education and research, patient care, and community outreach. Gifts of any size can make a difference. Small amounts will accumulate over time to create substantial resources for the school.
Thanks for visiting the online giving site for the UWSMPH Department of Radiology. We are truly grateful for your time and interest.
UWSMPH Department of Radiology, General Donation
The general Department of Radiology Fund is used for extraordinary expenses that may be incurred by the department in carrying out its mission of education, research and patient care.
Howard A. Rowley Scholarship Fund
Established in honor of Dr. Howard A Rowley, former section chief of Neuroradiology, this fund is to provide financial support for students from the University of Wisconsin who have an accepted abstract to present their research at a national or international conference. This honors Dr. Rowley’s love of research, his passion for travel, his sustained mentorship of the next generation of physicians and is the Wisconsin idea in practice.
Zachary Clark Resident Research Fund
In memory of Dr. Zachary Clark, January 25, 1986 - March 6, 2017, this endowment supports research performed by the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Radiology residents and ACGME accredited fellows.
Radiology Centennial/Women's Imaging Fund
This fund was originally established by Dr. Joseph F. Sackett for the purpose of aiding the department in teaching, research and public service roles. The fund supports women’s imaging teaching programs and professional development, as well as general imaging programs.
Juhl Society Fund
Established in the spirit of discovery and innovation, personified by Dr. John H. Juhl, the goal of the Juhl Society is to promote the development of information technologies to enhance the quality and value of radiology practice in both academic and community settings.
Radiology Medical Education Fund
The Medical Education Fund is established to support advances in radiology training for learners at all levels to include medical students, residents, fellows, and associated disciplines. The fund is intended to supply infrastructure needs for education-related projects such as software purchases to include but not limited to scheduling, radiology report analysis, teaching file development, and creation of enduring learning materials. This fund may also be used for pilot projects in education and purchase time via salary support for IT/database development and statistics. Proposals for use of this fund will be submitted to the Education Committee for preliminary approval with final approval by the chair of the Department of Radiology.
Radiology Sense of Community Fund
The purpose of this fund is to support the greatest needs to the Department of Radiology as determined by the Chair of Radiology. In addition to supporting the greatest needs of the department, uses can include, but are not limited to, receptions, journal clubs, entertainment and/or costs associated with meals and refreshments, and staff educational opportunities. This includes functions related to retirements (excluding retirement gifts), welcome receptions, farewell dinners, faculty and/or staff team-building retreats, and other items and occasions that the chair considers to be team- or morale-building in nature or that allow the Department of Radiology to function as a productive community.
Turski Endowment for Extension Programs in Radiology
Established in 2008 in honor of Dr. Patrick A. Turski, former chairman, this fund provides financial support for fellowship training in all clinical specialties of radiology. The fellowships are divided into traditional one-year post-residency fellowships and shorter international fellowships.
John Parks Endowment Fund
This endowment was established in honor of Dr. John Parks, an inspiring educator and dedicated leader in ultrasound education, to develop a CD-ROM program to be used by ultrasound technologists to continue their education via an electronic education process.
Fred Lee Sr., MD, Professorship Fund
This fund was established to honor the collaborative research relationships between the Department of Radiology in the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and the University of Wisconsin College of Engineering. The Department of Radiology has several leveraged relationships with faculty in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) to create innovative technology used for imaging and image-guided therapies. This collaboration has led to numerous scientific publications, research grants, and patents through the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), and most importantly, has improved care at UW Health.
John H. Juhl Professorship in Radiology
This professorship was established to encourage the continuance of Dr. John H. Juhl's spirit in teaching, passion in research, and excellence in medical care. Awards are made to a faculty member/educator who is committed to teaching excellence, resident education, and clinical expertise.
Arthur A. De Smet, MD, Visiting Professorship
The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Radiology, established the Arthur A. De Smet, MD, Visiting Professorship. This fund honors the career of Dr. De Smet, the founder and long-time section chief of the Musculoskeletal Section in UW Radiology. Contributions to the account will be used to fund an annual visit by a nationally-recognized musculoskeletal radiologist to give scholarly lectures. Funds will pay for travel, lodging, honorarium expenses, and a modest engraved memento to recognize the presentation of the De Smet Visiting Lecture.
Andrew B. Crummy Professorship in Radiology
Established in honor of Dr. Andrew B. Crummy, this fund supports the work of the person named as the Andrew B. Crummy Professor, and additionally supports the Department of Radiology in its teaching, research, and public service roles.
Joseph F. Sackett Professorship in Radiology
This professorship was established in honor of Dr. Joseph F. Sackett, former chairman of the Department. The purpose of the fund is to recruit neuroradiologists to function as Chief of the Neuroradiology Section.

Make your Gift by Mail
Complete, print, and mail the gift form, with your check made payable to the University of Wisconsin Foundation at the address below. Include the fund name in the memo line of your check.
University of Wisconsin Foundation
U.S. Bank Lockbox
P.O. Box 78807
Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807
Speak with a UW Foundation Representative
If you would like to speak with a representative about making a gift or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Lisa Oimoen
Senior Development Program Manager
(608) 308-5328