
Photo of nine physicians wearing white coats and making the Wisconsin
Breast Imaging and Intervention section members in 2024.

The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Radiology Breast Imaging and Intervention Section is a nationally recognized team of nine board-certified and Breast Imaging subspecialized radiologists who provide comprehensive, multidisciplinary breast imaging services.

A part of the UW Health Breast Centers, we offer a variety of specialized services in Madison. A group of seven Breast Imaging focused  Community Radiology faculty also provide screening and diagnostic services at sites in Madison as well as regionally in Southern Wisconsin including UnityPoint Meriter Hospital, UnityPoint Meriter Monona Clinic, Associated Physicians in Madison, Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin – Hatchery Hill Clinic, Fort HealthCare- Fort Atkinson,  Mile Bluff Medical Center – Mauston, and at the Richland Hospital and Clinics – Richland Center.

In addition to caring for patients, our radiologists are also teachers and researchers, guiding the next generation of radiology talent and seeking future advancements to the science of radiology. Our research includes work in medical decision-making, breast MRI techniques, breast molecular imaging, , health equity, applied clinical informatics and radiology education.

Section Chief

Mai Elezaby, MD

Associate Professor (CHS)

Associate Section Chief

Ryan Woods, MD, MPH

Associate Professor (CHS)

Academic Faculty

Mai Elezaby, MD

Associate Professor (CHS)

Amy Fowler, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Alison Gegios, MD

Assistant Professor (CHS)

Thomas (Tommy) LoDuca, MD

Assistant Professor (CHS)

Anand Narayan, MD, PhD

Associate Professor (CHS)

Ryan Woods, MD, MPH

Associate Professor (CHS)

Community Radiology Faculty

Edward Borman, MD

Clinical Professor

Robert Bour, MD

Clinical Associate Professor

Kelly Capel, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Peter Chase, MD

Clinical Professor

Nicholas Laucis, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Bora Ozel, MD

Clinical Professor