If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what do four Bracco Fellows make? Four generations of former Bracco Fellows met in a pleasant reunion at the 2015 German Roentgen Ray Meeting, in Hamburg, Germany. Each former fellow conducted one to two years of dedicated translational research in magnetic resonance imaging at the UW.
The Bracco Fellowship is in partnership with Bracco Diagnostics, a New Jersey-based company that develops and markets imaging agents for use in X-ray, CT, and MRI. Each Bracco fellow comes to the UW as a visiting professor, and the group has a impressive track record, according to Professor Scott B. Reeder, M.D., Ph.D.
“All the Bracco fellows have been remarkably productive in MRI research, and they’ve gone on to be leaders in the field,” said Dr. Reeder.
2008-2009 Bracco Fellow Thorsten Bley, M.D., is Chairman of the Würzburg University Clinics, located in Würzburg, Germany. 2009-2011 Bracco Fellow Alex Frydrychowicz, M.D., is one of seven senior radiologists at the Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck Campus. 2012-2013 Bracco Fellow Harald Kramer, M.D., is currently serving as the section MRI Chief at Großhadern Hospital of Maximillian University, in Munich, Germany. 2013-2015 Bracco Fellow Peter Bannas, M.D., returned to the University of Hamburg to pursue his career as a diagnostic and interventional radiologist.

Also joining UW Radiology this summer is Tilman Schubert, M.D. Dr. Schubert was previously a radiologist at the University of Basel.
We are excited to have these bright minds on board, and look forward to their efforts and innovations in the field.