Congratulations to the entire research team in Dr. Prabhakaran’s Neuroimaging Lab, which has recently been awarded several small collaborative grants, including;
An ICTR pilot grant of $25,000 for one year to study brain plasticity changes using fMRI, other imaging, and neuropsychological measures in stroke patients. Dr. Vivek Prabhakaran, Dr. Veena Nair, and Chad Moritz from the Neuroimaging lab along with Director of Stroke Neurology Dr. Justin Sattin will be collaborating on this project.
Dr. JoAnne Robbins and Georgia Malandraki from VA GRECC along with a collaborative team including Dr. Vivek Prabhakaran, Dr. Sterling Johnson, Dr. Justin Sattin, Dr. Ronald Gangnon, Dr. Joshua Medow, and Dr. Jacqueline Hind received a small Graduate School Fall Research competition Grant of $28,853 for a project entitled “Effects of Lingual Exercise on Neurophysiology of Swallowing” to study swallowing treatment related plasticity changes in the brain using fMRI and other measures in stroke patients.
Dr. Noelle LoConte from Hematology-Oncology along with a collaborative team including Dr. Vivek Prabhakaran and Dr. Veena Nair from the Prabhakaran Lab, Dr. Sterling Johnson, Dr. Guofan Xu, and Natalie Price received a GI DOWG philanthropic award of $13,647 for 2 years to study chemotherapy related changes in the brain using fMRI, dti, perfusion, and other imaging and neuropsychological measures in cancer patients.