On Thursday May 27th, the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health held the virtual Medical Education Day 2021 Conference. The conference is intended for healthcare professionals and staff across the state who teach in undergraduate medical education.
A few members of the Department of Radiology presented at the conference. Associate Professor Jason Stephenson, MD and Professor Jonathan Swanson, MD held a workshop titled “Navigating the Winding Two-lane Highway: Tips to Improve the Giving and Receiving of Trainee Feedback.” The workshop used self-reflection, small group discussions, and case vignettes to improve how people give and receive feedback.
In addition to the workshop, members of the Department gave presentations. Assistant Director of Education and Communications Katie Yang, MS gave a presentation titled “Personal Sustainability Practice – Integrating Practical Wellness Content into the Preclinical Curriculum of Medical School” which detailed the pilot of a wellness curriculum integrated into the course led by Yang and Dr. Stephenson. Assistant Professor Andrew Ross, MD, MPH gave his presentation on “A Remote Radiology Summer Research Mentoring Program for Medical Students” to discuss findings from the 2020 Radiology Shapiro Summer Research program. Dr. Stephenson provided an overview of his organizational content model for anatomy content in his presentation titled “The Suspension Bridge Model to Balance Content Volume, Learning Efficiency, and Cognitive Load.”
Thank you to these faculty and staff members for representing the Department of Radiology so well at the conference!