Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of hepatic hemodynamics as a diagnostic tool and potential indicator of complication is underdeveloped. Most often, Doppler ultrasound or invasive pressure measurements are required and carry their specific limitations and risks. MRI with its intrinsic sensitivity towards motion has long been able to measure single-directional blood flow using 2D slices. For a comprehensive workup of upper abdominal hemodynamics in a system with different orders of velocities such as the liver (threefold vascular supply: hepatic artery, hepatic vein, and portal vein), however, imaging a multitude of 2D slices with different velocity encoding sensitivities is not a clinically-practicable approach. With state-of-the-art 4D phase contrast imaging, such limitations could be overcome. Therefore, it is the aim of this pilot study to establish and intrinsically validate a novel MR imaging method (5-point PC-VIPR) for performing hemodynamic studies of the hepatic and splanchnic vasculature and to evaluate the potential of a meal challenge test in volunteers and exemplary patients.
Evaluation of Liver Hemodynamics by 5-point 4D Phase Contrast MRA
This project was funded by: Radiology RD
The term of this project was: July 2010 to June 2011
The number of subjects scanned during this project was: 18