ITG-enhanced Liver Tumor Detection
2D images of liver xenograft in live mouse
File: LiverTumor.jpg
2D images of liver xenograft in live mouse
File: LiverTumor.jpg3D isosurface combined with orthoslice to show spontaneous liver tumor in live mouse. (Tumor location indicated by purple arrow)
File: 3DSurface1.jpgVolume rendered image of live tumor-bearing mouse vasculature using blood pool contrast agent
File: VolumeRendered2.jpgVolume rendered image of live tumor-bearing mouse vasculature using blood pool contrast agent
File: VolumeRendered1.jpgStill frame image from vascular fly-through
NM-404 Mechanism of Selective Retention
Virtual colonoscopy fly-through obtained in live colon tumor-bearing mouse
3D liver image in live mouse obtained with a novel liver contrast agent
File: LiverTumorMovie.wmvVascular image obtained in a live mouse using a novel blood-pool contrast agent