Case: 140

Diaphragmatic Hernia With Incarcarated Stomach


History: 22 yo female with h/o left hepatectomy for large adrenal adenoma who presents with 2 days of severe upper abdominal pain and emesis.
Solution: This case is an example of how prior films and multi-planar reconstructions can help you make the diagnosis. The CXR two days prior was completely normal, but the new abdominal radiographs show a space occupying process in the left posterior pleural space that has an air-fluid level. The differential based upon the plain films would be an empyema vs. a diaphragmatic hernia, with an empyema less likely since she is not at risk for that and it developed rapidly. The CT confirms that the fundus of the stomach has herniated through the diaphragm and since there is no contrast in the fundus, this suggests that the orifice is relatively tight. This was confirmed at surgery.

Radiograph Images


The most important part of the treatment of empyema is:
  • Antibiotics
  • Drainage
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Supportive measures
This represents an emergent finding.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Diaphragmatic hernia with herniation of the stomach.