History: 86 yo female with dyphagia
Solution: The findings on the double contrast esophagram are very concerning for an esophageal cancer. There is mucoasal irregularity of the distal esophagus with a focal narrowing and "shouldering". There is also impressive dilatation of the proximal esophagus with stasis. The findings on this study led to an EUS which showed a focal mass that was confirmed to be a T3 esophageal cancer
![](http://www.radiology.wisc.edu/COW/imageVault/EUS of esophageal ca.jpg)
subsequent CT confirmed
![](http://www.radiology.wisc.edu/COW/imageVault/CT of esophageal ca.jpg)
![](http://www.radiology.wisc.edu/COW/imageVault/EUS of esophageal ca.jpg)
subsequent CT confirmed
![](http://www.radiology.wisc.edu/COW/imageVault/CT of esophageal ca.jpg)