Case: 174

Adenomyosis (focal)


History: 40 yo female with heavy and breakthrough bleeding
Solution: Adenomyosis is benign invasion of the myometrium by endometrium and although the underlying etiology is unknown, it is known to be relatively frequent with up to 1/3 of hysterectomy specimens having some degree of adenomyosis. The endometrial invasion results in myometrial proliferation and thus, can have some imaging findings reminiscent of a fibroid, particularly if it is focal. On US, we see a heterogenous, focal mass that has both decreased and increased echogenicity in places. The MRI is more definitive, showing typical thickening of the junctional zone with T2 bright foci/cysts. These women are often asymptomatic, but can have issues such as menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, pain, and infertility. If symptoms are bad enough, then surgery is the treatment of choice.

Ultrasound Images


This condition is often associated with:
  • Asherman syndrome
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • Placenta accreta
  • Renal anomalies
The only definitive treatment for this is surgery.
THe most likely diagnosis is:
Focal adenomyosis.