Case: 205

Mesenteric Adenitis


History: 10 yo female with RLQ abdominal pain
Solution: Mesenteric adenitis is a benign, self-limited process that is generally associated with an underlying infection with the most common etiology being Yersinia Entercolitica. The imaging findings are a normal appendix with a cluster of 3 or more mesenteric lymph nodes, generally in the RLQ, that measure > 5 mm in short axis dimension. This patient easily fulfilled those criteria and of note, the lymph node enlargement associated with mesenteric adenitis is generally more impressive that the reactive adenopathy that can be seen with appendicitis. This is treated conservatively.

CT Images


The most appropriate management for this patient based on these images would be:
  • Antibiotics
  • Conservative treatment
  • Surgery
  • Delayed CT
  • Barium enema
Ultrasound is the preferred modality for making this diagnosis.
What is the most likely diagnosis? Please be specific.
Mesenteric adenitis.