Case: 206

Bouveret's Syndrome


History: Elderly patient with abdominal pain and vomiting.
Solution: Bouveret's syndrome is a rare process where there is impaction of a gallstone proximally in the duodenal bulb or pylorus, resulting in obstruction. It is on the spectrum of a gallstone ileus and represents 1-3% of those cases. Rigler's triad is described as the three findings associated with gallstone ileus, bowel obstruction, pneumobilia, and the obstructing gallstone. In this case, you can see the stone and pneumobilia on the pain film and the filling defect in the duodenal bulb, which is obstructing gastric outflow. Here are some CT images confirming the findings.

Radiograph Images


The person who's name is attached to this syndrome was a:
  • French Internist
  • German Pathologist
  • American Surgeon
  • British Radiologist
This disease is most commonly seen in elderly patients.
What is the most likely diagnosis (extra points if you can come up with the eponym).
Gallstone ileus, with gastric outlet obstruction (Bouveret's syndrome)