Case: 210

Closed Lip Schizencephaly


History: 9 yo boy s/p fall from a ladder
Solution: Schizencephaly literally translated means "split brain". It is a developmental failure of cell migration and is often related to an ischemic in utero event. It can be associated with polymicrogyria, microcephaly, and grey matter heterotopia. They can be "closed lipped" like this case where the CSF space is obliterated since the walls oppose each other, or "open lipped" where there is a channel of CSF extending from the lateral ventricle to the subarachnoid space. It can be associated with seizure disorders, developmental delay, and blindness. Mentation can be essentially normal (as in this case where this was clinically inapparent), or be associated with severe mental retardation.

CT Images


The abnormality identified here is likely to be:
  • Post-traumatic
  • Neoplastic
  • Iatrogenic
  • Developmental
  • Infectious
  • There is no abnormality
This patient should have surgery for this condition.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Closed lip schizencephaly