Case: 215

Succenturiate Lobe Of The Placenta


History: 27 yo female, 20 weeks pregnant. Routine fetal survey
Solution: Succenturiate lobe is a condition where there is an accessory lobe of the placenta that is connected to the main placenta by vessels contained in a membrane. The main problem with this condition is that it can result in retained products of conception, and hemorrhage at time of birth if there is associated placenta previa, or the vessels precede the baby in the region of the internal os. In this case, the succenturiate lobe is posterior and the main body of the placenta is anterior, so this is a distinct possibility, although we were not able to identify any vessels across the internal os.

Ultrasound Images


All of these are commonly associated complications EXCEPT:
  • Retained products of conception
  • Placental insufficiency
  • Placenta previa
  • Vasa previa
These patients may require a caesarean section.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Succenturiate lobe