Case: 261



History: 26 yo female. Routine screening second trimester US.
Solution: Gastroschisis is an isolated paraumbilical abdominal wall defect and occurs in ~3 in 10,000 live births. It is a paraumbilical defect as opposed to omphalocele (umbilical) and is often on the right. Bowel will herniate through the defect and there will be no covering membrane. This will give an increase in AFP. Is associated with GI abnormalities such as malrotation and stenosis, but no other more serious anomalies.

Ultrasound Images


Most likely associated finding is:
  • Cardiac anomalies
  • Elevated AFP
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Mental retardation
  • Oligohydramnios
This abnormality is often associated with a poor outcome.
What is the most likely diagnosis?