Case: 264

Diverticulitis With Septic Thromosis Of The Portal Vein And Intrahepatic Abscesses


History: 52 yo female with abdominal pain and fevers.
Solution: This patient has multiple findings. First, there is a focal perforation of the sigmoid colon with associated pericolonic abscess in the left lower quadrant. Second, there is thrombosis of the portal vein and mesenteric vins and third, there are numerous intrahepatic abscesses. The differential could include a colonic mucinous carcinoma with associated liver metastases, but that wouldn't really explain the thrombosis of the portal vein and a primary hepatic malignancy with tumor thrombosis wouldn't explain the colon findings. The hepatic abscesses have a fairly characteristic appearance. Treatment is antibiotics, anticoagulation with percutaneous drainage and possible surgery for drainage of the pericolonic abscess and associated colon resection.


There are abnormalities of all of the following EXCEPT:
  • Colon
  • Liver
  • Small bowel
  • Portal vein
The next step for this patient is chemotherapy.
What is the most likely diagnosis to tie all of the findings together?
Diverticulitis and abscess formation with septic thrombophlebitis of the portal vein and intrahepatic abscess formation.