Case: 267

Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder


History: 32 yo female. Remainder of history withheld.
Solution: The findings on these images allow you to recreate the history. Specifically, this is a patient with renal failure related to Type 1 Diabetes and associated renal transplantation (native renal atrophy and renal transplant in the RLQ). They subsequently developed post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (aneurysmal dilatation of the bowel with central cavitation and thick walls typical of lymphomatous involvement of the bowel). The patient presented with hematochezia and thus was given capsule endoscopies (x2) in order to identify the cause. These became lodged a the level of the PTLD and didn't pass. Although these represent B-cell proliferations and can resolve after decreasing immunosuppression, they can also become malignant lymphoma as well, which can be very difficult to treat because of the underlying transplant and associated issues.

CT Images


Please provide the most likely contributing factors to the patients current condition.
Renal failure with renal transplantation and associated immunosuppression.
Based upon the images that you see and associated findings, what was the most likely presenting history?
Hematochezia, or melena, thus explaining why the patient would be given capsule endoscopies.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.
Bonus question: What are the dense objects in the left upper quadrant?
Retained capsule endoscopies.