History: 14 yo female with pelvic pain.
Solution: Hematometrocolpos.
Defined as the accumulation of blood within the uterus (metria) and vagina (colpos). Most often due to congenital obstruction if seen in the newborn period. If later in life, the most common etiology is imperforate hymen, with transverse vaginal septum, and segmental vaginal atresia also possible. Look for other associated GU anomalies. Complications are primarily infectious.
The imaging findings in this case include hyperechoic filling of the uterus and and possibly the vagina. There is no associated vascularity and the wall of the uterus is very thin.
Defined as the accumulation of blood within the uterus (metria) and vagina (colpos). Most often due to congenital obstruction if seen in the newborn period. If later in life, the most common etiology is imperforate hymen, with transverse vaginal septum, and segmental vaginal atresia also possible. Look for other associated GU anomalies. Complications are primarily infectious.
The imaging findings in this case include hyperechoic filling of the uterus and and possibly the vagina. There is no associated vascularity and the wall of the uterus is very thin.