Case: 92

Melanoma Metastases With Intussusception


History: 45 yo male with abdominal pain and cramping.
Solution: Intussusception in an adult is highly likely to have a \"lead point\". Therefore, when this is seen in an adult, a workup should be completed to evaluate for an underlying condition. In this case, there are multiple bowel masses identified with the intussusception. The appearance is not consistent with lymphoma (wall thickening with \"aneurysmal dilatation\" related to excavation of the lymphomatous mass). The multifocality argues against a primary bowel neoplasm such as an adenocarcinoma. Overall, the most likely cause would be metastatic disease. This can arise from primary bowel malignancies, but more commmonly will come from lung carcinoma, or melanoma. Other less common malignancies include Kaposi\'s sarcoma and carcinoid. This case turned out to be metastatic melanoma.

CT Images


The differential diagnosis for the underlying disorder includes all of the following EXCEPT
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Carcinoid
  • Kaposi\'s sarcoma
  • Non-small cell lung cancer
  • Melanoma
The most appropriate immediate treatment for this disease is surgery.
There is a primary and secondary process here. Please describe both.
Metastatic melanoma with intussusception.