Shi 2011
Year: 2011
Title: Cancer screening among racial/ethnic and insurance groups in the United States: a comparison of disparities in 2000 and 2008
Country: United States
Age: Adult Only
Sex: Female
Population: Multiple Groups
Care Setting: Outpatient Ambulatory and Primary Care
Clinical Setting: Breast Cancer Screening
Data Level: National
Data Type: Government Survey
Data Source: National Health Interview Survey
Conclusion: Disparities In Some Minority Groups
Health OutComes Reported: No
Mitigation: No
Free Text Conclusion: Disparities in rates between Hispanic and Asian patients and Black and White patients narrowed during the study period. Black patients had higher rates of screening mammography throughout.
Abstract: Using the National Health Interview Survey, we examined associations among race/ ethnicity, insurance coverage, and cancer screening, and assessed changes in the magnitude of disparities over the past decade. Outcomes included recent cervical, breast, and colorectal cancer screening. Rates of colorectal screening increased for all racial/ethnic groups and some insurance groups from 2000 to 2008. However, rates of Pap tests and mammograms remained stagnant, and even decreased for certain groups. Some Hispanic-White and Asian-White disparities in cancer screening were reduced or eliminated over this time period. However, in 2008 Asians continued to have lower odds of Pap tests and Hispanics lower odds of colorectal cancer screening, even after accounting for potential confounders. There were no significant changes in Black-White disparities. The uninsured continued to be at a disadvantage for all three types of cancer screening, relative to the privately insured, as were publicly insured individuals with respect to colorectal cancer screening.