Event Date and Time:
January 26, 2019
Check-In Time: 9:30 AM
Event Location:
University of Wisconsin Hospital
Health Sciences Learning Center
650 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53792
None, other than that associated with parking
Event Parking:
University Hospital Parking Ramp
Cost: $6 for the first three hours, then $1/hr
Register Here

9:30-10:00: Check-in and bagels
10:00-10:15: Welcome and introduction to IR training pathways, Dr. Mark Kleedehn, University of Wisconsin
10:15-10:35: Varicose Vein Treatment,
Dr. Erica Knavel, Mayo Rochester
10:35-10:55: Hepatobiliary Interventions,
Dr. Orhan Ozkan, University of Wisconsin
10:55-11:15: MSK Interventions,
Dr. Osman Ahmed, University of Chicago
11:15-11:25: Break
11:25-11:45: Ablation,
Dr. Paul Laeseke, University of Wisconsin
11:45-12:05: Peripheral Arterial Disease,
Dr. Alexander Fairchild, Medical College of Wisconsin
12:05-12:25: Leadership, Networking, and Medical Student SIR Involvement,
Dr. Michael Brunner, University of Wisconsin
12:25-12:30: Conclusion,
Dr. Mark Kleedehn, University of Wisconsin
12:30-2:30: Hands-On Sessions
3:00-5:00: Happy Hour at Oliver’s Public House

Symposium Director
Mark Kleedehn, MD
Associate IR Residency Program Director
Symposium Student Organizers
Ryan Valk
Scott Reetz