A collaborative project titled “Presurgical Brain Mapping with fcMRI” between the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Radiology, Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW), and PRISM Clinical Imaging was awarded a 1-year NIH STTR/SBIR Phase I grant of ~$275,000.
The project focuses on developing resting state fMRI as a clinical tool for presurgical planning in brain tumor, vascular lesion, and epilepsy patients. PIs of the project are Professor Ted Deyoe, Ph.D. from MCW, Dr. James Reuss, Ph.D. from PRISM, and Assistant Professor Vivek Prabhakaran M.D., Ph.D. from UW-Madison. Other Investigators are Assistant Professor Rasmus Birn Ph.D. and Research Associate Veena Nair, Ph.D. from UW, and Associate Professor Bharat Biswal, Ph.D. from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.