It is our pleasure to announce that Dr. Mark Schiebler has been elected as president of the 6th International Workshop for Pulmonary Functional Imaging (IWPFI). Dr. Schiebler was also selected to serve on the Board of Directors for IWPFI and elected treasurer for a four-year term.
The IWPFI is a biannual, international workshop which brings together a talented group of researchers and clinicians from pulmonary medicine, thoracic surgery, radiology, nuclear medicine, pharmacology, computer science, and physics. This prestigious workshop has earned world-wide attention through its efforts to improve imaging diagnostics in a variety of lung and vascular diseases.
Along with his impressive contributions to IWPFI, Dr. Schiebler is an Associate Professor of Radiology, the Section Chief of Chest Imaging, and the Director of the Cardiothoracic Imaging Fellowship. He is interested in researching vascular cardiopulmonary diseases and their imaging through CT and MRI. He joined us in 2007 after serving as Chief of Body Imaging for Florida Radiology Associates in Orlando for 14 years.
The 6th IWPFI will be held in Madison. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Schiebler!