Drs. Sadowski and Robbins Appointed to ACR Women’s Image Panel

Posted on April 2018

Jessica Robbins
Jessica Robbins, MD
Elizabeth Sadowski
Elizabeth Sadowski, MD

In addition to their work on MRI of adnexal lesions, Drs. Sadowski and Robbins have also contributed to the development of the Ultrasound O-RADS lexicon and scoring system through leading a multi-institutional study of ultrasound stratification of adnexal cysts. This includes two recent articles published in the journal Radiology, Risk Stratification of Adnexal Cysts and Cystic Masses: Clinical Performance of Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound Guidelines and Indeterminate Adnexal Cysts at US: Prevalence and Characteristics of Ovarian Cancer. Their next endeavor is a multi-institutional analysis of over 700 cysts on ultrasound using the SRU and IOTA imaging based classification systems to determine their performance in identifying ovarian cancers.The efforts of associate professors Drs. Elizabeth Sadowski and Jessica Robbins in the assessment of adnexal lesions on ultrasound and MRI have resulted in their appointments to the American College of Radiology (ACR) Women’s Image Panel. Dr. Sadowski has also been appointed to the ACR Ovarian-Adnexal Imaging Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) committee and will chair the ACR O-RADS MRI Educational sub-Committee. The O-RADS MRI lexicon and scoring system has incorporated the work being done here at the UW on MRI characterization of adnexal lesions using the EURAD ADNEx MR Score. Their recent articles on the subject include A systematic approach to adnexal masses discovered on ultrasound: the ADNEx MR scoring system published in the journal Abdominal Radiology, and Complex US adnexal masses during pregnancy: Is pelvic MR imaging accurate for characterization? published in the European Journal of Radiology. Being the only center in the USA to participate in the EURAD ADNEx MR multi-institution trial, UW is a frontrunner in the application of MRI for assessing ovarian lesions and will continue to lead the integration of the ADNEx MR score into the O-RADS MRI lexicon and scoring system.

The overarching goals of Drs. Sadowski’s and Robbins’ work is to help radiologists identify ovarian cancer on ultrasound and MRI more efficiently so that women with potentially cancerous lesions can be expeditiously treated and to potentially detect ovarian cancers at an earlier stage, when there is hope for a cure.