Faculty Spotlight: Minnie Kieler

Posted on March 2021

Clinical Assistant Professor Minnie Kieler, MD is a new member of the Community Radiology section. Learn more about Dr. Kieler below.

Q: Where are you from?
A: I was born in Nairobi, Kenya, which is in the Eastern part of Africa, straddling the equator- fabulous weather all year round! At 19 years old, I left Kenya for the UK to study, and ever since I have travelled extensively and lived in many other parts of the world, so I consider myself a global citizen.

Q: Where did you attend Medical School?
A: University of Manchester Medical School, Manchester, England


Q: Why did you choose Radiology?
A: Lots of positive attributes attracted me to radiology, not least the prospect of a good work-life harmony, the diversity of patients seen in a day, and the role of a being a detective as well as a consultant to other providers as you help in problem solving. I was fortunate during my medical school training to have a facilitator/supervisor who happened to be a radiologist, Dr. Richard Whitehouse, and who was instrumental in exposing me to radiology early on.

Q: What is your specialty?
A: Abdominal imaging as well as Nuclear medicine and molecular imaging

Q: What are your career interests and goals?
A: Education, mentoring and global radiology

Q: Why did you choose UW/What are you excited about at UW?
A: UW is a gem! Exceptionally smart, outstanding and the loveliest people make it an excellent place to be, and I’m excited to be part of this family!

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: With two lovely and lively toddlers at home, my hobbies have had to undergo some kind of evolution – I currently enjoy family time and being outdoors, especially during summertime as we get to boat and take walks/hike. We also love travelling far and wide, although at the moment this has kind of stalled and we can’t wait to get back to it.