UW Radiology has been a partner to Access Community Health Centers for nearly three years. We provide professional radiology interpretation services for their patient population.
The Inside View: What is your vision and goal for Access Community Health Centers?
Dr. Ken Loving: Since opening in Madison more than 30 years ago, Access Community Health Centers has maintained the goal of providing and promoting quality health care in a way that makes it more accessible to those in our community who often go without care. We will continue expanding our clinics, and in 2014, we plan to build a new clinic on Madison’s south side which will include a new dental clinic and expanded medical space.
TIV: How do Access Community Health Centers ‘s clinics provide support for the uninsured and underinsured? How is this success measured?
KL: Access Community Health Centers is one of the thousands of community health centers nationally that provide care to millions of people in the country. These are local, non-profit providers serving low income and medically underserved communities based on a community’s needs. We measure success of our efforts in terms of helping our patients achieve health goals and outcomes, as well as in the number of people we can reach in our clinic and through programs that provide services outside our clinic.
TIV: What has Access Community Health Centers ‘s partnership with the UW Radiology meant to you and Access Community Health Centers?
KL: Our partnership with the UW Radiology has proven to be a mutually beneficial collaboration that fills a service gap for Access Community Health Centers patients. We appreciate the partnership because it means that the 25 percent of our patients without medical insurance are able to get x-rays done in our clinic that are read by the UW Health radiologists. This allows us to provide the same high quality care to our patients that others in our community receive. The service is critical and highly valued by our patients.