The Department of Radiology is pleased to share that the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) offered Charles Mistretta, Ph.D., of the Imaging Sciences Section, the 2012 Marie Curie Skłodowska Award.
Professor Mistretta earned the IOMP Marie Curie Skłodowska Award through his outstanding contributions to medical physics research and remarkable merits in medical physics education. As the recipient, he will be officially presented the award at the opening ceremony of the World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in Beijing. In addition, there will be an announcement on the IOMP website and in the next edition of Medical Physics World.
Professor Mistretta is the Department of Radiology’s John R. Cameron Professor of Medical Physics and Radiology and one of the most prominent scientists in the medical physics field. During his career, he introduced a number of new imaging methods and pioneered the method and equipment for Digital Substraction Angiography. Along with his extensive research, Professor Mistretta supervised nearly 20 Ph.D. students.
Learn more about Professor Mistretta’s impressive achievements on his profile on radiology.wisc.edu.