Oechtering and Starekova Named ISMRM Junior Fellows 

Posted on May 2022

Dr. Thekla Oechtering

Thekla Oechtering, MD and Jitka Starekova, MD were named 2022 ISMRM Junior Fellows by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. According to the ISMRM, the fellowship was “established to recognize outstanding researchers and clinicians at an early stage in their careers, with an established and long-term commitment to ISMRM. Junior Fellowship may be maintained for up to ten (10) years as long as ISMRM membership remains current. Individuals will be selected as Junior Fellows for 2022 on the basis of a nomination process that demonstrates a commitment to the ISMRM through membership and participation in ISMRM activities and potential as outstanding scientists or physicians working in the area of magnetic resonance.” 

Dr. Jitka Starekova

Dr. Oechtering has been a member of the ISMRM since 2015 when she presented her first abstract in Toronto, Canada. Dr. Starekova, on the other hand, joined in 2020 after joining Scott Reeder, MD, PhD’s Liver Imaging Research Program. A part of the fellowship is participating in an ISMRM committee. Dr. Starekova will join as Junior Fellow Observer on the Web Editorial Board committee. She explains, “I will be taking part in the upcoming annual meeting of the committee, on May 9th in London. I am looking forward to learning new skills.” Dr. Oechtering will be joining the Publications committee. 

Both Drs. Oechtering and Starekova credit their mentor Dr. Scott Reeder for obtaining this honor. Dr. Oechtering said, “Scott is inspirational as a person, a researcher and a leader. I am learning so much from him every day.” Dr. Starekova added, “Dr. Scott Reeder, my mentor, really had an amazing impact on my scientific work and my approach to science. He is a dedicated teacher and has always been a very supportive, great advisor.” 

Becoming an ISMRM Junior Fellow is an amazing accomplishment for these early-career researchers. Dr. Starekova said, “it is a great honor and privilege to be a part of this amazing international society that continues to move the MRI field forward.” Dr. Oechtering expressed, “I am very excited to get more involved in ISMRM. The Fellowship will help me get in contact with renowned researchers and it motivates me to continue with research.”