Prestigious SNM Award Goes to UW Radiology Research Associate

Posted on May 2012

Dr. Hao Hong, research associate in Dr. Weibo Cai’s Molecular Imaging and Nanotechnology Laboratory (, was selected for the Berson-Yalow Award, one of the most prestigious prizes from the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM).

The Berson-Yalow Award is given every year at the SNM annual meeting, which typically has around 5,000 attendees. The award aims to honor investigators who submit the most original scientific abstracts and make the most significant contributions to basic or clinical radioassay. The award is named after Nobel Laureate Rosalyn Yalow who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1977 “for the development of radioimmunoassays of peptide hormones.”

Dr. Hong was selected for his abstract entitled “RadioimmunoPET imaging of tissue factor in pancreatic cancer,” submitted to the 2012 SNM Annual Conference to be held in Miami on June 9-13, 2012.

This is the 2nd year that the Molecular Imaging and Nanotechnology Laboratory submitted abstracts to the SNM annual meeting. Among the eight abstracts submitted this year, five were selected as oral presentations. Three of these will be presented by Dr. Hao Hong, and two will be presented by Yin Zhang, a 4th year medical physics graduate student. Both Dr. Hao Hong and Yin Zhang were also selected for travel awards, with only about 25 travel awards given each year.

In addition, Yin Zhang was selected to compete in the Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Council Young Investigator Award Symposium, where 3 of 7 presenters will be selected and awarded by a committee immediately after the symposium.