While elementary school students may not be at great risk for colon cancer, UW Radiology helped dozens of Madison-area pupils learned about diagnostic methods and treatment via hands on presentations during Science Expeditions Day, held in early April at the Wisconsin Institutes For Discovery (WID).
The exhibit, titled the Exploration Station, was a collaboration among several faculty and staff members of UW Radiology. Included in the display were posters detailing abnormal colon findings, as well as a hands-on colon model that demonstrated diverticula and polyps, according to Clinical Program Coordinator Holly Casson, RN.
“These items were very helpful in explaining the colon and basic abnormalities to children as it is not something they are familiar with,” said Casson.
The centerpiece of the presentation was the Viatronix 3-D fly-through of an actual colon. This gave children and families the opportunity to detect polyps in the colon, with the assistance of David H. Kim, M.D., Vice Chair of Education. “It is amazing how kids these days are so comfortable with computers and all caught on very quickly,” said Casson.
More practical information was also included in the exhibit, in the form of colon cancer awareness fliers targeted towards adults and other literature aimed at educating families about colon cancer prevention.