The UW Small Animal Imaging & Radiotherapy Facility (SAIRF), led by radiology faculty member Jamey Weichert, PhD, was successfully awarded an NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant (SIG) S10 for an MILabs U-SPECT/CTUHR (ultra high-resolution) system. This system is scheduled for installation in late summer, 2020, and when installed, will be the only micro-SPECT system in Wisconsin. It allows for scanning animals up to the size of a large rat. SPECT applications include, but are not limited to, imaging of both standard and high-energy theranostic radioisotopes commonly used in brain, heart, bone and cancer. CT applications include, but are not limited to, imaging bone, lung and soft tissue with contrast, with resolution as good as 4 microns; a major upgrade to our current capabilities which are limited to 50 microns. See the full article here.