Ultrasound is among the most common and clinically useful imaging modalities, and UW Radiology’s strong partnership with the UWHC School of Diagnostic Sonography (SDS) is an excellent example of cross-institutional collaboration. Read on about their current projects and recent success.
Prizes at the 2014 SDMS Conference
Standing out among other achievements, the SDS submitted two winning posters at the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS) 2014 Annual Conference. A poster entitled “Sonographic Evaluation of the Neonatal Hip” won a first place prize, while another, “Sonography in Conjunction with 4D MR Flow,” took second place.
HOPE Program
Program Manager Bridgett Willey was exceptionally busy in 2014. Willey developed HOPE (Health Occupations and Professions Exploration), an educational outreach program with the goal of giving high school students the opportunity to explore careers in healthcare. Through this partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County, HOPE pairs up an interested high school student with a UW Madison graduate student to serve as their mentor in exploring a variety of health careers.
Sonography Research In Action
Clinical Education Coordinator Sara Baker and coauthors Kaitlyn Foellings and Dana Walker were recently published in the Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. The case study article examined imaging characteristics of the diagnosis of Splenogonadal Fusion, a rare congenital malformation.
In addition, Sara Baker recently began a research project involving the use of 3D sonographic evaluation on the neonatal hip, a collaboration with Dr. Blaise Nemeth of the Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation and UW Radiology’s Dr. Kara Gill.