Congratulations to Stephen Brunner, a Medical Physics graduate student chosen to receive the RSNA Trainee Research Prize for his project: “Potential Clinical Use of First Moment Transit Time Perfusion CT Maps: A Quantitative Comparison with Mean Transit Time Perfusion Maps.” The work explores the new use of first moment transit time maps in computed tomography (CT), which aid in the visualization of blood flow to the brain. The maps have seen success in MRI studies, but have not yet been extensively investigated in CT. The work was completed under the supervision of two Radiology and Medical Physics faculty members: Dr. Howard A. Rowley, Chief of Neuroradiology, and Dr. Guang-Hong Chen, Director of the UW CT Lab.
Brunner won the prize in the resident/physics trainee award category. The RSNA seeks to advance the radiology field through education and research. The RSNA Trainee Research Prize honors outstanding scientific presentations by resident/physics trainees, fellows or medical students.