Clinical Associate Professor Tyler Prout, M.D., along with Wisconsin radiologists Gregg Bogost, Paul Larson, and Casey Melcher represented the Wisconsin Radiology Society (WRS) during the 3rd Annual Doctor Day. Held at the Wisconsin State Capitol, the event was attended by over 340 physicians to advocate on behalf of the profession.
Before attendees headed to the Capitol to meet with their state representatives and senators, Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch spoke to the group recounting her experience as a patient and colon cancer survivor. She gave heartfelt thanks for all that physicians do. At one point in her story, she called on all radiologists in the audience to raise their hands, so she could thank them directly.
The afternoon was spent with half-hour small group meetings with legislators. The focus of these discussions was to advocate for the various Wisconsin Medical Society (WMS)/WRS positions on bills in the legislative process.
In this changing landscape emphasizing the shift from volume to value, one way that radiologists project value is by advocating for the profession at the local, state, and national levels. Radiologists, especially those in the early part of their careers, are encouraged to get involved. Interested parties can do this by attending next year’s Doctor Day or by signing up to attend the Wisconsin Radiological Society 67th Annual Spring Meeting in Kohler, WI on May 16, 2016.