UW Hospital and Clinics has been named a Designated Lung Cancer Screening Center by the American College of Radiology (ACR). The ACR Lung Cancer Screening Center designation recognizes facilities that have committed to practice safe, effective diagnostic care for individuals at the highest risk for lung cancer.
In order to receive this designation, facilities must have a prior ACR accreditation in chest module CT, as well as undergo a meticulous inspection of facilities and procedures relating to lung cancer screening. Also included in the inspection is follow–up care such as counseling and smoking cessation programs.
Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths in the U.S., and properly performed CT scans can help doctors discover tumors early in their life cycle, while the cancer can still be treated effectively. Ensuring the highest quality of CT screening is an even larger priority with Medicare’s recent proposal to cover such scans, adding as many as 4.9 million patients to the eligibility list for CT screening.
This designation is the culmination of a four-year department-wide effort, with special recognition to the CT team. Additionally, Associate Professor Peter J. Chase, M.D., Professor Frank Korosec, Ph.D., and Assistant Professor Tim Szczykutowicz, Ph.D. were highlighted for their work in assembling the ACR application and ensuring all relevant materials were included.
However, UWHC was not the only UW organization to receive a fresh accreditation from the ACR.
UWMF is proud to announce their newest designation – the Diagnostic Imaging Center of Excellence (DICOE), presented to the UWMF Medical Imaging Department by the American College of Radiology. This involved a comprehensive assessment of the medical imaging facility by a panel of three site inspectors that included a radiologist, a medical physicist, and a technologist. DICOE recognition distinguishes our facility’s diligence in striving for excellence. The designation is awarded on a three-year status.