UW Radiology has been a smash hit on the spring conference circuit, zigzagging across the globe to present our research. Our faculty and researchers have ample experience navigating the veritable alphabet soup of society meetings, and the results show.
The 2015 meeting of the Society of Thoracic Radiology (STR) had UW written all over it. Cristopher Meyer, M.D., FACR, was elected as an officer for the STR. Jeffrey Kanne, M.D., is currently serving as Vice Chair of Education for the STR, and co-wrote the 2015 course.
One notable change for 2015 was the reduction of lecture times to 15 minutes, down from 30.
“It forced people to be more focused, because some people lose interest in lectures after 10-15 minutes,” said Dr. Kanne, who saw this as a positive change for both presenters and attendees.
The American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) 53rd Annual Meeting went similarly well. A presentation authored by Justin Brucker, M.D., took home one of only two summa cum laude awards among more than 300 educational exhibits. The presentation showed the neuroimaging abnormalities caused by a variety of legal and illicit drugs. Dr. Brucker was joined on the project by senior authors Aaron Field, M.D., Ph.D., and Tabby Kennedy, M.D.
The Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Section was busy at the Society of Abdominal Raidology (SAR) Conference, which took place in San Diego. They presented 6 abstracts or posters, gave 15 invited lectures, and served as moderaters, committee members, and faculty.
UW presenters were everywhere at the 2015 annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), from big-ticket educational conferences to electronic posters and everything in between. With nearly 70 entries between the Departments of Radiology and Medical Physics, we took home three magna cum laude awards and a summa cum laude award.