Madison has one of the fastest growing health ecosystems in the country, with over 20 healthcare technology firms founded since 2010, according to Xconomy. One such company is HealthMyne, a Madison startup that makes analytics software that can search health systems’ medical image data-bases. So far, Healthmyne’s software has been used at two pilot sites: University Hospital and the Tampa-based Moffitt Cancer Center. UW radiologists are optimistic about the benefits of the data mining software, especially now that HealthMyne is partnering with Epic Systems and UW Health to unify electronic health records and imaging information.
“We expect even greater gains can be achieved by leveraging the data unification and moving into clinical and predictive analytics,” said Jeffrey Kanne, M.D., Chief of Thoracic Imaging at UW Radiology. “Being able to data mine the imaging-derived properties native to HealthMyne, together with Epic’s health record information, such as outcomes, should result in powerful decision support capabilities.”