This is a 2-center, NIH sponsored study to evaluate MRI imagiing for those with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) and healthy normal adults. The study involves pulmonary function tests before and after MRI imaging sessions, which include the use of Xenon to establish a comprehensive, quantitative structure and function of IPF at two centers, and identify regional, early-stage disease by combing perfusion and Xenon exchange MRI. The use of a structure / functional MRI will allow for the monitoring progression and response to therapy in IPF. The ultimate scientific objective is to develop a diagnositic paradigm that can predict patient outcomes. CT is used currently to diagnose IPF, and a CT is included in this research proposal if there is not a current CT on file for the baseline visit.
Using MRI to Visualize Regional Therapy Responses in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
This project was funded by: NIH
The term of this project was: January 2016 to April 2016
The number of subjects scanned during this project was: 60