Multiple Myeloma

A malignant bone condition that causes kidney failure, dysproteinemia, abnormal proteins in the plasma, and abnormal urine proteins (Bence Jones proteins). Multiple myeloma has long been considered a risk factor for contrast associated AKI, but this is not supported by recent literature (see refs)

  1. Stacul F, Bertolotto M, Thomsen HS, et al. Iodine-based contrast media, multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathies: literature review and ESUR Contrast Media Safety Committee guidelines. Eur Radiol 2018;28(2):683–691.
  2. Pahade JK, LeBedis CA, Raptopoulos VD, et al. Incidence of contrastinduced nephropathy in patients with multiple myeloma undergoing contrast-enhanced CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2011;196(5):1094–1101.
  3. Crowley MP, Prabhakaran VN, Gilligan OM. Incidence of contrastinduced nephropathy in patients with multiple myeloma undergoing contrast-enhanced procedures. Pathol Oncol Res 2018;24(4):915–919.