To many, a PowerPoint presentation is a dull affair. But to Professor Ken Schreibman, M.D/Ph.D., FACR, the oft-maligned medium is an art. His trademark presentations use simple shapes to represent anatomical features, and he has them down to a science, well-honed by years of educational lectures.
In 2003, Dr. Schreibman redesigned the radiology lecture series for the University of Wisconsin Physician Assistant (PA) Program, developing a 32-lecture course given by UW Radiology faculty. Dr. Schreibman himself lectures on a variety of topics for the UW PA Program, including anatomical overviews of the hand, wrist, and shoulder. This spring, the UW PA Program Class of 2015 recognized his merit and voted him the 2015 Lecturer of the Year. This is his second time with this honor, having previously won in 2008. Dr. Schreibman’s presentations on upper extremity trauma were well received by students and faculty
alike, and left an indelible mark on his pupils.
Dr. Schreibman’s success is not limited to work here at the UW. He has given the highest-rated talk at the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) for two years running, and was inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Radiology in 2011.
Dr. Schreibman will be honored at the PA Program commencement ceremony, held on May 15 at the Memorial Union. We congratulate Dr. Schreibman for his outstanding educational achievements.