Publishing papers is an important part of the job for doctors and researchers at UW Health’s radiology department. Yet although Dr. Charles Strother is excited that three of his recent works reached the #12, #25, and #30 most-cited slots in the American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR), he is most excited that his research is being used on human stroke patients in a clinical setting.
“Every year 800,000 people have a stroke in the United States.” Dr. Strother opens his #12-ranked paper, “C-Arm CT Measurement of Cerebral Blood Volume in Ischemic Stroke: An Experimental Study in Canines,” with this daunting statistic. A critical factor in determining the success of patient treatment, Strother says, is developing imaging techniques that reduce the amount of time between the stroke’s onset and its possible intervention.
To attempt to do so, Strother and his co-authors, including UW Radiology’s Kari Pulfer and Dan Consigny, along with former Visiting Assistant Professor Dr. Thorsten Bley, forwent typical brain perfusion parameters. These measures, such as CT or MRI, are often made in a different location than the possible treatments. Strother took measurements of cerebral blood volume (CBV) using commercially available angiographic equipment.
Through this research, Strother and colleagues determined “precious time could be saved by doing these measurements in the angiographic suite, a location where, if appropriate, attempts at revascularization could be initiated immediately. “ The findings were supported when colleagues in Erlangen, Germany applied the technique to human patients, with accurate results.
The implications for improved patient care are astounding, and judging by how often the papers have been cited, the scientific community agrees. Strother believes that making the research even more applicable is its partnership with Siemens Healthcare.
“Now, the tools required to make these measurements are provided by Siemens AG Angiography Group Division as a product that is widely available worldwide,” said Strother. “This work is an excellent example of how translational research benefits from a partnership between industry and academic institutions.”