Matthew Larson, MD, PhD, joined the Nuclear Medicine and Neuroradiology sections as an assistant professor (CHS) in 2024.
Dr. Larson obtained his Bachelor of Science in biology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he graduated with Highest Honors and Highest Distinction. He then joined the Medical Scientist Training Program at UW-Madison, completing his PhD in cellular and molecular biology in 2016 and MD in 2018. He completed his internship, Diagnostic Radiology residency, and Neuroradiology fellowship at University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics.
Where are you from?
I grew up in Delafield, WI, outside of Milwaukee. Home of the yellow smiley barn!
Why did you choose radiology?
I enjoy the unique challenge that each complex case presents, and appreciate the opportunity to play a crucial role in patient care. I am particularly excited to be part of the molecular imaging and neuroradiology worlds, where I have already seen a great deal of change in how and why we image – including the development of PSMA PET radiotracers (and the accompanying therapeutic agents) and the large influx of clinical Alzheimer’s imaging due to the approval of new anti-amyloid therapies. I can’t wait to see what comes next!
What are your professional interests?
I’m primarily interested in molecular imaging for neurodegenerative and neurooncology applications.
Why did you choose to work at UW–Madison?
The people! UW–Madison has been a fantastic place to grow and develop as a learner, and I hope to remain part of that proud tradition.
What are your hobbies?
When I’m not chasing my children (4 and 7) or ferrying them to various activities, you’ll probably find me on a lake, hiking in a park, grilling in my back yard, or tacking a DIY home improvement project.