The UW RAD-AID Chapter launched its Nicaragua project in 2014 by collaborating with its in-country partner AMOS Health and Hope in Managua, Nicaragua. An initial trip in May 2014, served as the first radiology outreach team to Nicaragua to assess clinical radiology services. In 2015 and 2016 the UW Madison Department of Radiology led several trips to Managua, Matagalpa, and surrounding rural communities of El Ayote, and Banco de Sikia in the RAAS region of Nicaragua to serve its underserved population. Through the generous donations of the department of radiology faculty, the UW RAD-AID chapter donated and delivered a portable ultrasound machine with abdominal, superficial and transvaginal probes and set up a local ultrasound out-patient clinic with ongoing salary-support for a local Nicaraguan radiologist one day a week. A desktop computer with printer and a local picture archiving and communication system (PACS) was set up for bilingual record keeping and report generations. Promoting radiology education is a big component of the UW Radiology department’s mission and every trip included educational seminars in both public and private radiology residencies in Managua. UW Radiology faculty also participated in local health care workers educational seminars to promote prenatal health and breast cancer screening.

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