We are excited to provide an opportunity for residents and fellows to submit an electronic education exhibit for the UW Radiology Summit. Presentations will be available for review by registered attendees of the meeting.
The goal of an educational exhibit is to teach or review radiologic signs, pathologic correlation, procedures, techniques, treatments, interventions, workflows, or other processes related to imaging and Diagnostic or Interventional Radiology. These are not scientific presentations, and the aim should not be to present focused research data and conclusions.
Process & Requirements
Abstracts should be submitted to the Events Team at radeventsteam@uwhealth.org for consideration. If accepted, the full electronic exhibit must be provided as a PDF or PowerPoint.
- Friday, December 13, 2024: Abstract Submission Deadline
- Monday, December 16, 2024: Final Acceptance Notifications Sent
- Monday, January 6, 2025: Full Electronic Exhibit Submission Deadline
Abstract Review Process
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the UW Radiology Summit co-directors on a rolling basis with final acceptance notifications sent by Monday, December 16, 2024.
Abstract Requirements
Abstract slides must be submitted by email in PDF or PowerPoint format by Friday, December 13, 2024. The following components are required:
- Title slide that includes title and authors (including faculty mentor)
- 1 purpose/outline slide
- 1 representative slide from the exhibit
Full Electronic Exhibit Requirements:
- Electronic exhibits must be submitted by email in either PDF or PowerPoint format no later than Monday, January 6, 2025.
- 16:9 is the preferred aspect ratio.
- Exhibits are required to be multi-slide, between 25 and 30 slides (maximum) and include high quality original slides.
- Exhibits must be non-promotional and non-commercial or they will be rejected. Refer to all products and equipment by their generic identification.
- All exhibits must be HIPAA compliant without protected health information or they will be rejected.
- Animations, page transitions, hyperlinks, and embedded content such as video or audio are not supported.
- Exhibits must consist of original work with no previously copyrighted material such as media/cartoon content. Borrowed materials including text, images, graphs and charts may fall within fair use for educational purposes, but can never be presented as if they are your own. All sources of borrowed material must clearly be labeled, including full citations for any copyrighted material. Consider seeking permission of the original creator of non-copyrighted content before using it.
Presentations will be available for review by registered attendees.