(ABC-PS) Stroke connectome MRI biomarkers for VCID risk assessment

The PI of this project is:

This project is funded by: NIH

The term of this project is: October 2021 to March 2027

The number of subjects scanned during this project is: 150

Every year more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke with currently around 4.7 million stroke survivors, and approximately 20% of the survivors go on to develop cognitive impairments and dementia later in life. This research project will seek an improved basic scientific understanding of how the complex biological interactions between vascular and demographic risk factors (e.g., disadvantaged neighborhoods), baseline brain and cognitive health, and adaptive or maladaptive brain changes following an ischemic stroke, underlie the biology of vascular contributions to cognitive impairments and dementia (VCID). It will also seek development of diagnostic and prognostic tools based on non-invasive high-quality MRI biomarkers which may aid in positively altering disease progression and reducing the burden of illness on patients due to post ischemic stroke VCID.