Twenty-five adult individuals with Gliobalastoma Multiforme (GBM) are being invited to participate in this NIH funded study called “Advanced Perfusion MRI of Treatment Response and Progression in Glioblastoma.”
The purpose of this study is to see if collecting MRI images in a new way can help determine the effects of surgery and combined chemotherapy/radiation treatment on GBM tumors. It is hoped that these new MRI scans will be able to help doctors see if the tumor is responding to treatment or not. It involves one visit for a research MRI scan that will last no more than one hour, within one week of their clinical scan.
Advanced Perfusion MRI of Treatment Response and Progression in Glioblastoma
This project was funded by: NIH
The term of this project was: April 2016 to April 2017
The number of subjects scanned during this project was: 25