
Please review our policies for use of University of Wisconsin scanner time for research.

Application Instructions

Applications may be completed in stages and submitted once you are ready. If you wish to complete an application in stages, simply select the “Save and Review” button at any time during the application process. You may return to your application at any time by selecting it from the list displayed after you have logged in.

To begin an application you must have, at minimum, the following:

  • Project title
  • PI name, including full contact details if this is a new PI to our system
  • Type of subject

Before submitting your application you will need to provide:

  1. Basic Contact Information: the name of the principal investigator and his or her contact information, including campus address, email address, and telephone number
  2. Scheduling Information: the type of subject being imaged, the number of subjects, the number of exams per subject, the time per exam, and the specific scanner type if applicable
  3. Financial Information: the funding source for the project, the account number, the start and end dates of the funding period, and the name, telephone number, and email address of the financial contact person, unless you are submitting a feasibility study
  4. Personnel Information: the name, telephone number, and email address of each co-investigator and the name, telephone number, email address, and responsibilities of each lab employee who will be involved with the project
  5. Other Information: a plain text description of the project outlining the specific aims, the significance, and the design of the study (<500 words), a summary of the project for the website (unless this is a confidential industry-sponsored study), and a separate paragraph describing any needs or risks for the staff

After your application receives approval (you will be notified by email) you may schedule scanner time.

For questions, contact the appropriate person based on modality:

Angiography: Frank R Korosec, PhD, FKorosec@uwhealth.org (608) 265-5588
CT: Christine J Jaskowiak, BS, CNMT CJaskowiak@uwhealth.org
MRI: Kelli L Hellenbrand KHellenbrand@uwhealth.org (608) 263-2608
PET/CT: Christine J Jaskowiak, BS, CNMT CJaskowiak@uwhealth.org
PET/MR: Christine J Jaskowiak, BS, CNMT CJaskowiak@uwhealth.org
US: Sarah Kohn, BSRT(R), RDMS, RVT, SKohn@uwhealth.org (608) 262-4033

If you are planning MRI research

MRI Safety Update for Non-Professionalswatch the video
This short video from GE is required viewing for all researchers using the MRI scanner.

Quench Your Thirst for MRI Safetywatch the video
This more in-depth video is recommended viewing.