Celebrating our leaders on International Women’s Day

In honor of International Women’s Day, we interviewed three of our leaders who uphold our department’s operations to the highest standards in educational, research, and clinical endeavors: Allison Grayev, MD; Sara John, BS RT (R); and Meghan Lubner, MD.

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Faculty Spotlight: Thekla Oechtering

Thekla H. Oechtering, MD, PD Dr med joined the Cardiovascular Imaging section as an assistant professor (tenure) and director of 4D flow MRI in 2025. She has also served as the co-director of Radius since 2024. 

Pallavi Tiwari speaks at TEDxOshkosh

Pallavi Tiwari, PhD delivered a TEDxOshkosh talk on artificial intelligence (AI), outlining a future where an AI oncologist could serve as a tool to create personalized cancer care.